Representing "all risks" insurers in the defence of Commercial Court proceedings brought by aircraft leasing companies arising from alleged loss of assets in Russia
Peter Bredin is a Partner in the Litigation and Dispute Resolution team.
Peter advises clients in relation to complex commercial disputes and investigations. He has over 20 years' experience representing clients in disputes arising from financial services, business relations, professional duties, fraud, and insurance coverage. He has acted for financial institutions, State bodies, companies and individuals in court proceedings, arbitration and mediation. He advises on inquiries and investigations and is a member of the firm’s Regulatory Investigations team.
Peter is a member of the International Bar Association and also a member of the Commercial Litigation Association of Ireland.
Peter is also the Current Chair of DRI International.
Peter Bredin is a Partner in the Litigation and Dispute Resolution team.
Peter advises clients in relation to complex commercial disputes and investigations. He has over 20 years' experience representing clients in disputes arising from financial services, business relations, professional duties, fraud, and insurance coverage. He has acted for financial institutions, State bodies, companies and individuals in court proceedings, arbitration and mediation. He advises on inquiries and investigations and is a member of the firm’s Regulatory Investigations team.
Peter is a member of the International Bar Association and also a member of the Commercial Litigation Association of Ireland.
Peter is also the Current Chair of DRI International.
Relevant Experience
Acting for witnesses at the Commission of Investigation (Irish Bank Resolution Corporation)
Advising insurers in relation to a range of coverage matters including business interruption in the context of Covid-19
Obtaining recognition in Ireland of a $400 million judgment of the Courts of New York against a Dutch defendant, and in securing pre-judgment and post-judgment injunctive relief including the appointment of a receiver over shares in an Irish company
Acting for a vehicle manufacturer in the defence of a substantial claim relating to the supply of components used in a fleet of emergency vehicles
Acting for a US-based individual in a challenge to the provision of evidence in Ireland for criminal proceedings in Italy pursuant to a request for mutual legal assistance
Assisting US-based clients in obtaining evidence in Ireland under the Foreign Tribunals Evidence Act 1856
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