The European Commission Communication on Savings & Investments Union: Key takeaways for the EU asset management industry
What has the European Commission published?
On 19 March 2025, the European Commission published its communication on its strategy for the EU’s Savings and Investments Union (Communication).
Against a backdrop of rising geopolitical tensions, major investment needs and an economy caught in a low-growth cycle, the Communication outlines the steps the European Commission will take over the next two years, to revive the EU economy and increase EU competitiveness. Interestingly, it also confirms that it will establish specific reporting channels in Quarter 2 of this year to allow market participants to detail barriers they have experienced within the single market which will inform the various proposals put forward by it.
In this briefing we outline some of the key takeaways from the Communication for the EU asset management industry.
It is worth noting that any legislative proposal put forward by the European Commission must then be considered by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union before it becomes law. The timeframes outlined below relate to when the Commission will publish such proposals which will then need to be considered by and negotiated with the co-legislators.
Next steps
While it will only be possible to fully assess the likely impact of the European Commission’s proposals on the EU asset management sector as and when they are published over the next two years, the Communication does provide a clear indication of why and how it proposes to reform and revitalise EU capital markets over the coming years.
We would encourage those operating in the EU asset management sector to provide their feedback on barriers they have encountered within the EU single market using the reporting channels which are to be established in Quarter 2 of this year so as to inform and influence the various proposals put forward by the European Commission over the next 24 months.
If you have any questions arising from this briefing please get in touch with any of the authors or your usual contact in the Dillon Eustace Asset Management and Investment Funds team.
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