Central Bank Regulatory & Supervisory Outlook 2025
On 28 February 2025, the Central Bank of Ireland (Central Bank) published its second Regulatory & Supervisory Outlook (Report) in which it sets out its perspective on key trends and risks, as well as outlining its supervisory priorities across the whole of the financial sector for the next two years.
The Report has been brought to the specific attention of all senior management teams of Irish regulated firms via a “Dear CEO” letter issued by the Central Bank on the same day[1].
Key Risks and Areas of Focus for 2025/2026
While the Report identifies key trends and risks applicable to the Irish financial sector more generally, it also provides a sector-by-sector view of trends and the key risks it considers to be most material from a supervisory perspective for each sector that it regulates, including the Capital Markets & Funds sector. The Report also outlines the Central Bank’s key supervisory activities for the next two years for each individual sector as well as identifying its key regulatory initiatives.
For the purposes of this briefing, we focus on the key risks relevant to the Capital Markets & Funds sector, and more specifically in relation to Irish fund management companies (FMCs) and the funds that they manage. We also outline certain suggested actions that should be taken by FMCs to manage such risks.
Leverage and Liquidity | Suggested action to be taken |
The Central Bank notes that continuing financial market volatility owing to the geopolitical and macroeconomic environment has given rise to an increased risk outlook for both leverage risk and liquidity risk within investment funds. | FMCs should ensure that they have an appropriate and robust liquidity risk management framework in place to identify, manage and mitigate the potential risks which could impact on a fund’s ability to (i) meet redemption requests upon demand or (ii) meet collateral and margin calls from counterparties. |
Asset Valuation and Market Risks | Suggested action to be taken |
The Central Bank has identified that valuation risks in the funds sector may materialise due to (i) the current geopolitical risk and high macroeconomic uncertainty, (ii) certain asset classes such as technology stocks and crypto showing signs of stretched valuations and (ii) a move towards private assets which are typically harder to value. | FMCs should ensure that their valuation frameworks address the specific findings outlined in the Central Bank’s 2023 Dear Chair letter on valuations and related ESMA report on its 2022 CSA on asset valuation. |
ESG Disclosures to Investors | Suggested action to be taken |
Referencing the role that the funds sector can play in financing the EU transition to a sustainable economy, the Central Bank notes that the risk of greenwashing by FMCs and funds under management may arise due to (i) diverging interpretations of regulatory requirements by FMCs and (ii) limitations linked to the consistency, availability and transparency of ESG-related data. It notes that it will continue to investigate suspected instances of greenwashing. | In order to mitigate the risks of both greenwashing and greenhushing and to ensure that investors are not misled by the information provided to them, FMCs should ensure that ESG disclosures provided to investors (whether in regulatory documentation such as the prospectus and annual report or in marketing communications such as fact sheets etc) are accurate, complete and capable of being substantiated. |
Climate Change and Net Zero Transition | Suggested action to be taken |
The Central Bank notes that the funds sector can influence and, where appropriate, prioritise and finance sustainability initiatives on behalf of fund investors and notes that increasing the “range and quantum of funds that focus on sustainability will increase the options available to institutional and retail investors to manage their own exposure to climate transition risk”. | FMCs should note the Central Bank’s call to the funds industry to increase the range and number of sustainability-focused funds available in the market. |
Operational Resilience | Suggested action to be taken |
In its Report, the Central Bank identifies heightened risks of cyberattacks and operational disruption due to an increase in the digitalisation of fund operations, the interconnectedness of the funds industry internationally and the current geopolitical context. | FMCs should be satisfied that their digital operational resilience framework: |
Data Quality | Suggested action to be taken |
According to the Report, incomplete data sets and errors in data provided by FMCs stemming generally from inadequate data governance frameworks can misdirect (i) decisions taken by FMCs and funds and (ii) the supervisory activities of the Central Bank. The Central Bank notes that data quality deficiencies have in particular been identified in AIFMD data sets and Fund Profile Returns submitted to it. | FMCs should implement an appropriate data governance framework to ensure accurate and complete data is submitted to the Central Bank on a timely basis. |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Suggested action to be taken |
While acknowledging that AI can significantly enhance the efficiency of fund portfolio managers, the Central Bank highlights that the use of AI in fund management decision-making processes, if not governed correctly, may result in unwanted bias and poor investment decisions which could harm both investors and firms. | To the extent using or contemplating the use of AI within their business models, FMCs should implement an appropriate AI governance framework which should: |
Money laundering and terrorist financing risks | Suggested action to be taken |
Money laundering and terrorist financing risks of the Irish funds sector have been identified by the AML National Risk Assessment as being “medium high” risk. | FMCs should fully understand the AML/CTF risks to which their individual FMC is exposed and should have in place the appropriate controls, procedures and processes to manage these risks. |
Delegation and Outsourcing | Suggested action to be taken |
Acknowledging the high levels of delegation and outsourcing in the funds sector, FMC governance continues to be a key area of focus for the Central Bank. | Review and ensure compliance with the Central Bank’s Outsourcing Guidance. |
Investment in Alternative Asset Classes | Suggested action to be taken |
The Central Bank has noted an increase in proposals involving Irish domiciled funds investing in alternative assets such as crypto assets, private debt and collateralised loan obligations which the Central Bank considers present comparatively higher risk. | Where it is proposed to invest in alternative assets such as crypto-assets, private debt or collateralised loan obligations, FMCs and funds should consider: |
Geopolitical Risk Assessment Framework | Suggested action to be taken |
The Central Bank highlights that due to heightened geopolitical uncertainty, there is a risk of sudden, unexpected and consequential changes to the operating environment for regulated firms. | FMCs to consider establishing a geopolitical risk assessment framework which the Central Bank notes could for example encompass: |
Supervisory Priorities and Key Regulatory Initiatives for 2025/2026
In the Report, the Central Bank also outlines its key supervisory activities for the Capital Markets & Funds sector which include:
risk-based review of applications regarding funds and FSPs;
sectoral and thematic assessments, including the completion of the ESMA CSA on compliance and internal audit functions;
continuing the focus on delegation and outsourcing arrangements in FMCs;
focusing on implementation of the requirements of DORA by FMCs and other fund service providers;
continuing to enhance and use fund data and risk models to deliver a data-led, agile and risk-based approach to the effective and efficient oversight of the sector.
The Central Bank has identified the following key regulatory initiatives it will be working on over the next two years which are of particular relevance to FMCs and Irish domiciled funds:
UCITS Eligible Assets Review;
Transposition of AIFMD II (which introduces changes to both the UCITS and AIFMD frameworks) into Irish law;
Tokenisation within investment funds;
SFDR and the proposed omnibus sustainability package published by the European Commission on 26 February 2025;
The proposed EU Retail Investment Strategy;
Implementation of (i) DORA and (ii) the Central Bank’s Individual Accountability Framework;
Implementation of the Department of Finance’s Funds Review Recommendations.
Next Steps
As a next step, we would encourage all FMC to scrutinise the risks and supervisory expectations outlined by the Central Bank in the Report and review same against their current business activities, practice, procedures and systems.
Where required, FMCs should consider putting an action plan in place to address any identified gaps in their existing arrangements when assessed against the Central Bank’s supervisory expectations outlined in the Report.
Should you require any assistance in carrying out a review of your existing framework and governance arrangements or have any queries in respect of the issues raised in this briefing, please get in touch with your usual contact in our Asset Management and Investment Funds Department.
[1] This letter also provides a high-level overview of recent changes to the Central Bank’s supervisory model.
[2] FMCs may want to have regard to the Central Bank’s Dear Chair letter to industry in November 2021 in which it set out its supervisory expectations of regulated firms regarding climate and other sustainability matters.
[3] The Central Bank notes elsewhere in the Report that deficiencies in data sets relating to reporting under EMIR have also been identified, citing a recent enforcement action brought against an Irish-domiciled fund which was settled in November 2023 for failure to comply with applicable EMIR reporting requirements.
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