Healthcare Disputes

Healthcare Disputes

Our specialised healthcare litigation team is highly experienced in defending a range of actions against healthcare professionals, hospitals and care facilities, including clinical and malpractice claims and professional negligence actions

We have particular expertise in representing our clients in significant birth injury cases and coroners’ inquests. We provide our clients with strategies to effectively manage claims, and we have a strong track record for negotiating fair settlements, which take into account the particular needs of our healthcare clients.

We also represent hospitals, doctors and nurses before professional bodies, such as the Medical Council and An Bord Altranais. Through our years of experience working in this area we have developed a strategic understanding of this complex and challenging area.

We advise private healthcare organisations and nursing homes on the practical implications of legislation and evolving regulatory requirements. We provide risk management advice to healthcare providers and their insurers. We also advise on cost saving measures in the area of claims management.

Members of the group have lectured on key aspects of healthcare law and have provided clients with in-house briefing sessions on risk management.

Relevant Experience
  • Defending clients in catastrophic injury actions against healthcare facilities.

  • Defending healthcare professionals and hospitals in birth injury claims, securing substantial reductions in the levels of settlements due to investigations conducted and reports obtained.

  • Defending the manufacturer of a spinal cord stimulator in a medical negligence action.

  • Acting for a healthcare provider in the defence of a fatal injury case. The matter ultimately resolved through mediation with a fair outcome secured.

  • Representing hospitals and healthcare professionals before professional bodies and at coroner’s inquests.

  • Defending a product liability case arising from alleged defects with medical devices. As a result of the extensive investigations in respect of the causation of the claim, it was established that there was no link and the claim was withdrawn.

  • Representing psychotherapist service provider in respect of claims issued against it.

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