Fund Service Providers & Platforms

Fund Service Providers & Platforms

Dillon Eustace is a leading legal adviser to domestic and international fund service providers and investment platforms

Our comprehensive service includes advising on structuring, establishment, authorisation and ongoing legal and regulatory compliance. We offer specific expertise across all key areas, including: capitalisation and capital adequacy; internal compliance programmes and staff training; drafting new or improving existing documentation templates; contract negotiation; cross-border passporting of services; marketing; and advising on legal, regulatory and tax developments in the asset management industry.

We work with fund service providers and investment platforms of all kinds, including:

  • Fund administrators that provide services – such as transfer agency, net asset valuations and fund accounting – to Irish domiciled funds and non-Irish domiciled funds including UCITS and alternative investment funds (AIFs).

  • Depositaries providing trustee and custodial services for Irish and non-Irish domiciled funds.

  • UCITS management companies the regular business of which is collective portfolio management of funds and which are engaged in the management of UCITS and other collective investment schemes and which may be authorised to provide additional investment services.

  • Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMs) – corporate entities authorised to manage one or more AIFs and which may be authorised to provide additional investment services.

  • Dual UCITS management companies and AIFMs or “Super ManCo” with top up Mifid permissions or mega ManCos.

  • AIF management companies providing management services to AIF schemes pursuant to applicable Irish fund legislation.

Relevant Experience

  • Advising on the establishment of an Indian public equities Irish regulated UCITS fund for Singapore based manager.

  • Advising on the authorisation of Super Management Company (UCITS, AIFM and MiFID licences) for a large Italian bank.

  • Advising a U.S. private debt manager, on the establishment of a complex master feeder structure involving two Irish ICAV Qualifying Investor Alternative Investment Funds and a Cayman Islands master credit fund.

  • Advising on the establishment of a Qualifying Investor Alternative Investment Fund bond fund. This bond fund is a ‘Net Zero’ Sterling Corporate Bond Fund.

  • Advising on the conversion of an Irish private equity fund into a Qualifying Investor Alternative Investment Fund compliant with the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive: involving change of manager, change of administrator and change of depositary and Board members.

Key Contacts

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